
Logo Design

What is a logo?
In its basic form, a logo is the identity of your business or product. It is used to differentiate your company and that of your competitors.
Logos can come in many forms and often do not have a distinct visual link to the product or company. There are no set rules when it comes to logo design, which means they can range from text, to an icon, to simply a letter – depending on how acclaimed the brand may be.
The process
Once we have established the personality and brand values of your business, creating the logo is often a natural process. We feel that it is important to demonstrate your company’s personality within the logo to create a strong brand, which is why we present an assortment of prospective logos for you to choose.
After the most favourable logo has been chosen, we are happy to develop your new identity by transferring the logo to any mode of design, including business stationary, corporate brochures and online.
At Greybox Creative we understand that each company is different, which is why offer the bespoke Brand and Logo packages to suit every client’s budget.